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MRI & CT Renovation


Dwyer was hired by the University of Rochester to assist in the renovation of their existing outpatient imaging science suite at their Strong West campus. The project was constructed in 3 phases over the course of eighteen months.

The UR Strong West Imaging Suite renovation includes CT equipment replacement and an enlarged room renovation, MRI equipment replacement and room renovation. Other work included an open work area for staff, separated from patient flow, 4 private pre/post patient rooms, an enlarged, centralized nurses’ station, and reorganization of registration and waiting for better patient privacy and staff safety. New ADA staff & patient toilet rooms were also added. All finishes were replaced to reflect an updated color palette and create a more cohesive experience for all staff and patients.


Working closely with the Owner in design and during construction allowed patient care to continue alongside active construction areas, allowing the community to have continuous access to imaging care close to home.

Quick Facts

Brockport, NY

5,700 gsf

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