Dwyer. Architectural. LLC

Dwyer. Architectural. LLC

Dwyer. Architectural. LLC

Dwyer. Architectural. LLC
Imaging Master Plan and Implementation
Working closely with the Imaging Department at Strong Memorial Hospital and researching current trends and practices, Dwyer completed a master plan of over 55,000 GSF of the ground floor of the hospital in order to consolidate the disjointed Imaging Department.
The key piece to this plan was to create an Interventional Radiology suite. At a time where the FGI guidelines lacked clear requirements and direction on the layout, flow, and environmental controls for Interventional Radiology suites, the team worked with the department to create a plan that was more closely modeled after an Operating Room suite. The private pre- and post-procedure areas are closely modeled after a traditional PACU, and the procedure rooms themselves are arranged around a clean core, with separate patient and staff entrances. While the multi-phase project began in 2015 and is slated to be completed in 2023, when complete it will be a state-of-the-art facility, due to the forward-thinking efforts of the Hospital and the design team.
Strong Memorial Hospital
Rochester, NY
Design-Build Delivery Method
5 Month Completion